Scientifically formulated Equine Vit&Min and Farmalogic nutritional supplements.
RRP from $129.95
ReLEAF is a blend of ingredients that may assist in reducing signs of gastric discomfort. Contains pure concentrated aloe vera leaf extract and non GMO soybean meal fermented by a specific bacteria strain* to aid in the gastric comfort of equines, especially during periods of stress.
For best results, add ReLEAF to a high fibre, low sugar, low starch diet. Implement horse husbandry practices to minimise environmental stress, including full turn out or constant access to grazing or grass hay.
* Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp lactis Rosell 187
500 g (25 days) $129.95 incl post
900 g (45 days) $214.95 incl post
Order online or ask for ReLEAF wherever you buy horse supplements.
Directions for use:
Introduce ReLEAF slowly to the feed, beginning with just 5 g/day and gradually build up to:
Horses: 20-40 g/day 2 scoops of 30 ml spoon
Ponies: 10-20 g/day
Foals: 12 g/day
May be doubled at times of high stress for a period of 30 days or in combination with veterinary anti-ulcer medication. Lower use rates may be appropriate for ongoing gastric support.
ReLEAF can be fed in conjunction with Farmalogic Rejuvenate for broader gastric support especially during times of stress.
Farmalogic ReLEAF does not contain substances prohibited by the rules of racing and FEI competitions.
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Horses and Owners Love ReLEAF
"After a weekend away eventing my TB mare who had previously been treated for ulcers started showing signs including a loss of appetite and severe girthiness. I began her on ReLEAF at the recommended rate for 5 days and all symptoms disappeared and she was back to herself. I highly recommend ReLEAF for the relief of ulcer symptoms and as a preventive."